Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jonathan Coulton And Glee

The blog i read was CNETs post on a strange copyright case on the popular show "Glee". The case was about how Glee actually ripped off someones remix of another song! An artist named Jonathan Coulton had made a remix of a rappers song, and then "Glee" had used Jonathan's remix without his permission, And the Lawyers at the producers of "Glee" will not go to court. I learned that copyright infringements bad, but if you're a multi-million dollar film industry, You are A-Okay!

Stuff and stuff.

Hi, i'm here to tell you three things that i learned in computer literacy. One thing learned is that people still use RSS feeds, its a constant stream of personal favorite news networks! crazy right? well now i know how to use them! another thing i learned is how to use MS Excel I can make graphs with it! Another thing i learned in computer literacy is how to make an email account, They let me sent letters and message to my computer literacy teacher!